Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Latest on the Deer Feeding Issue
From the website, My San
The city of Hollywood Park has worked up an initial list of acceptable food that residents may feed a specific number of deer on their own property. An amended deer management ordinance, approved by City Council last month, is now in effect. Council on Sept. 7 reviewed a preliminary, limited list, recommended by Councilman David Swan, of acceptable supplemental food. The list includes apples, pears, figs, pumpkins, turnips, alfalfa, oats, wheat and sunflower seeds. The list suggests protein deer pellets for supplemental protein. The list is being made available to residents via such outlets as the city website,
A newly formed deer committee, made up of two residents appointed by each council member, will help advise the city on local deer-related matters such as suggestions of acceptable supplemental deer food.
“We're micromanaging something that doesn't need micromanaging. We have so much more to worry about in (Hollywood Park) than what to feed the deer,” said Councilwoman Ellen Alkire.
Councilman Gary Miller expressed concern about residents' willingness to turn to what he called “high-dollar alternatives” on the feed list, such as oats and wheat. “The idea here is that people going to a store could pick up these things for themselves first,” Swan responded. Swan added that people who buy any of this food might have leftovers, which they could leave out in single-serving portions.
A resident may feed up to a four deer at a time on his or her property. Neither hand-feeding nor commercial feed stations are allowed. According to city officials, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department urges residents not to leave out any food with beef by-products, such as cat or dog food.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Dog Days of Summer
It's HOT. That's because it's August in south Texas. We've finally reached (and crossed) the 100 degree mark for the first time this summer, so, can Autumn be far away?
Meanwhile the HP real estate market remains crowded with 40 available homes still, and only 9 homes under contract. There have been 36 sales thus far, so we're continuing at the 50 to 60 sale pace that was set earlier in the year, even though we have a LOT of homes on the market.
Buyers are still out there shopping, even with the hot humid weather, so sellers are encouraged at the moment. Interest rates are now an unbelievable 4. something rate, a real boon for buyers looking to qualify for a larger home than they expected. We'll see how long that continues, and whether our larger than average inventory begins to dwindle.
Meanwhile the HP real estate market remains crowded with 40 available homes still, and only 9 homes under contract. There have been 36 sales thus far, so we're continuing at the 50 to 60 sale pace that was set earlier in the year, even though we have a LOT of homes on the market.
Buyers are still out there shopping, even with the hot humid weather, so sellers are encouraged at the moment. Interest rates are now an unbelievable 4. something rate, a real boon for buyers looking to qualify for a larger home than they expected. We'll see how long that continues, and whether our larger than average inventory begins to dwindle.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
A Questionable Milestone in Hollywood Park
We've reached a questionable milestone in my neighborhood, Hollywood Park. For the first time in my memory, perhaps ever?? there are 40 homes on the market in the Park. In a township of approximately 1300 homes, that's 3% of our neighborhood for sale at once. We didn't reach that number overnight of course, we've been steadily building the number of active homes for quite some time.
There are a couple of positive sides to this milestone. For buyers looking to purchase a home in Hollywood Park, there's plenty to choose from. Our list prices range from $189,900 to $789,000! About half of the 40 are priced at $300,000 and below, and the other half are priced above $300,000. Along with these 40 homes, there are an additional 6 homes that are under contract, hopefully soon to be sold.
Meanwhile in 2010 from January through June, there have been 31 sales, which could indicate that our 40 homes is about a 7 to 8 months supply if the sales trends continue. Time will tell whether the sales keep up the same pace in the second half of the year as they did in the first half, when they were perhaps aided by the tax credit incentives which have now ended.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
4th of July Parade and Picnic
Long for an old fashioned 4th of July experience? You could have been at the annual 4th of July Parade and Picnic in Hollywood Park. We had families parading through the Park, dressed in their red, white and blue attire, escorted by kids on bikes & scooters, family dogs with colorful bandanas, all following the Park's big red fire engine.
Once at the Voigt Center, the kids enjoyed a free swim, and everyone chowed down on hot dogs, hamburgers and sausage, followed by snow cones and cold watermelon slices. There was even an egg toss led by the Mayor. Lots of fun for all the Hollywood Park families today!
Once at the Voigt Center, the kids enjoyed a free swim, and everyone chowed down on hot dogs, hamburgers and sausage, followed by snow cones and cold watermelon slices. There was even an egg toss led by the Mayor. Lots of fun for all the Hollywood Park families today!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The Hollywood Park Lifestyle
What events make life in Hollywood Park an enjoyable place to live and raise your family? Take a look at what's coming up soon in HP.
The local swim team, the Hammerheads, are winding up their season this weekend with the championship meet at the Josh Davis Natatorium this Saturday. Go Hammerheads!
The Hollywood Park Homeowners Association will sponsor the annual 4th of July Parade and Picnic. Volunteers are needed on the 4th to help with the set-up, cooking and serving, manning the rides and games, and clean-up. Call to volunteer at 210-490-9737. The parade starts at 10 am at the ballpark.
Save Saturday, September 11 on your calendar for the fundraiser benefitting the Hollywood Park Fire Department. Food will be available for purchase, and there will be a silent auction and free swim. Don't miss it!
The local swim team, the Hammerheads, are winding up their season this weekend with the championship meet at the Josh Davis Natatorium this Saturday. Go Hammerheads!
The Hollywood Park Homeowners Association will sponsor the annual 4th of July Parade and Picnic. Volunteers are needed on the 4th to help with the set-up, cooking and serving, manning the rides and games, and clean-up. Call to volunteer at 210-490-9737. The parade starts at 10 am at the ballpark.
Save Saturday, September 11 on your calendar for the fundraiser benefitting the Hollywood Park Fire Department. Food will be available for purchase, and there will be a silent auction and free swim. Don't miss it!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Summer's Almost Here -- Time for Some Home Maintenance
Summer is almost here, so it's a great time to catch up on a little maintenance on your home. Regular routine maintenance enhances the curb appeal of your home, keeps you safe in your home, and prevents costly major repairs later.
Without regular maintenance, overall property values can be affected. Property values easily can drop 10% when a house shows a lack of preventative maintenance. Houses in poor condition are at a big disadvantage in comparison with other similar homes when it is time to sell.
So, what can you do to keep your home in good working order? First of all, be proactive about setting money aside for annual maintenance. Plan for an average of 1 to 3% of the value of your home on an annual basis, so on a $200,000 home, set aside $2,000 to $6,000 to spend on maintaining your home.
Next create and follow a maintenance schedule. If you are not sure what to maintain, spend a little of your budget on a home inspector to perform an inspection on your home. That way you'll know what areas need your attention, and where potential problems lie.
Finally, keep records and keep receipts for all your maintenance and upgrades. Those records are a plus to potential buyers in the future who appreciate that you've maintained your home regularly.
Without regular maintenance, overall property values can be affected. Property values easily can drop 10% when a house shows a lack of preventative maintenance. Houses in poor condition are at a big disadvantage in comparison with other similar homes when it is time to sell.
So, what can you do to keep your home in good working order? First of all, be proactive about setting money aside for annual maintenance. Plan for an average of 1 to 3% of the value of your home on an annual basis, so on a $200,000 home, set aside $2,000 to $6,000 to spend on maintaining your home.
Next create and follow a maintenance schedule. If you are not sure what to maintain, spend a little of your budget on a home inspector to perform an inspection on your home. That way you'll know what areas need your attention, and where potential problems lie.
Finally, keep records and keep receipts for all your maintenance and upgrades. Those records are a plus to potential buyers in the future who appreciate that you've maintained your home regularly.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Hollywood Park Market Update
Five months into this new year, and the real estate market in Hollywood Park is alive and well. There have been 25 closed sales in 2010, for an average of five sales per month. That translates into a possible 60 closed sales this year, which would be the highest number since 2006 if the trend continues.
There are seven homes in Hollywood Park that are currently under contract, and thirty three homes available on the market. There's a little something for everyone who's looking to buy in the Park. Great neighborhood, and a great selection of homes... come take a look!
Coming Events in June....
End of school swim party for the neighborhood kids... June 3rd from 6 - 9 at the pool.
Hammerheads home swim meets - Voigt Center.... June 5 & June 12.
Hammerheads fund raiser dinner June 17.
coming events,
Hammerheads swim team,
Hollywood Park
Friday, May 21, 2010
Open Houses in Hollywood Park this Weekend
This Sunday, May 23rd, there will be over 20 homes open for prospective buyers from 2 to 4 pm. Look for the ad in the newspaper for specific homes.
Two of the homes that will be open for viewing are:
109 Northoak
and 127 Canyon View.
109 Northoak,
127 Canyon View,
Hollywood Park,
Open Houses
Friday, May 14, 2010
Recent City Council and Mayor Elected in Hollywood Park
From the San Antonio Express News....
Hollywood Park City Council members Bob Sartor and Tim McCallum, one year into their first term in office, challenged each other in Saturday's mayoral contest. Sartor came out on top, garnering 268 total votes – 52.7 percent of the vote. McCallum recorded 240 votes.
Political newcomer David Swan and incumbent Councilwoman Ellen Alkire also were victors in an election where voter turnout was lower than the much-touted 2009 city election where two incumbents were ousted.
Sartor succeeds Richard McIlveen, who declined a re-election bid. Sartor had led McCallum by three votes in early polling. Sartor, McCallum and now-Councilman Gary Miller in 2009 campaigned for greater governing transparency after the city leased a house next to City Hall to the son of a then-sitting councilman.
A retired Marine Corps officer who has worked as a consultant, analyst and entrepreneur, Sartor previously cited several issues he would like to address as mayor. He had said he would like the city to continue instituting fiscal discipline measures and creation of efficiencies in city procedures to better yield savings and bolster cash reserves.
Sartor also has said he would like to see improved long-range city planning efforts, encouraging greater public participation in such efforts and updating of local codes and ordinances. “I would like to congratulate all my fellow candidates for running fine campaigns with respect and integrity. We all got along very well and had very meaningful and fruitful dialogues of the issues,” Sartor said. “I am honored to have been selected to serve as mayor and look forward to continued service to the city. I am most concerned with the low turnout this year.” Sartor added: “On a positive note, I have found it encouraging this year that many residents have shown a new eagerness to get more involved with city activities.”
A certified public accountant for 28 years, McCallum's campaign focused on consideration of relocating and building a new community center, and on negotiations of a new fire contract with Hill Country Village. “I am honored and humbled by the vote of the citizens of Hollywood Park. I congratulate Mayor-elect Sartor. I will work hard to keep Hollywood Park the incredible place it is, and to make it even better,” McCallum said.
David Swan claimed the council Place 4 seat with 59.6 percent of the vote over fellow political newcomer, Matt Amerman. Swan succeeds Steve Treu, who declined a re-election bid. An Air Force retiree, Swan his wife have owned and operated The Tool Shed, an equipment repair company. “I would like to thank all the citizens who participated in our city election for their involvement. I was disappointed in the low voter turnout but am hopeful that in the future the council can encourage more citizen participation,” Swan said. “I have always loved Hollywood Park and I am excited about this opportunity to serve the citizens of this wonderful community.”
Running unopposed, Place 2 Councilwoman Ellen Alkire received 328 votes for re-election. “The Hollywood Park City Council elections were spellbinding this year with a very low voter turnout. Usually, our community has 50 percent more voters each election,” Alkire said. “I am truly honored with the number of votes that I received from the citizens of Hollywood Park even though I was running unopposed. Thank you ever so much for your vote of confidence. We have a super slate on City Council with this election.”
Council must soon decide how to appoint Sartor's replacement at the Place 5 position. By a 90-percent margin, Hollywood Park voters also approved reauthorizing a part of the city's sales tax to fund local street maintenance and repairs.
Hollywood Park City Council members Bob Sartor and Tim McCallum, one year into their first term in office, challenged each other in Saturday's mayoral contest. Sartor came out on top, garnering 268 total votes – 52.7 percent of the vote. McCallum recorded 240 votes.
Political newcomer David Swan and incumbent Councilwoman Ellen Alkire also were victors in an election where voter turnout was lower than the much-touted 2009 city election where two incumbents were ousted.
Sartor succeeds Richard McIlveen, who declined a re-election bid. Sartor had led McCallum by three votes in early polling. Sartor, McCallum and now-Councilman Gary Miller in 2009 campaigned for greater governing transparency after the city leased a house next to City Hall to the son of a then-sitting councilman.
A retired Marine Corps officer who has worked as a consultant, analyst and entrepreneur, Sartor previously cited several issues he would like to address as mayor. He had said he would like the city to continue instituting fiscal discipline measures and creation of efficiencies in city procedures to better yield savings and bolster cash reserves.
Sartor also has said he would like to see improved long-range city planning efforts, encouraging greater public participation in such efforts and updating of local codes and ordinances. “I would like to congratulate all my fellow candidates for running fine campaigns with respect and integrity. We all got along very well and had very meaningful and fruitful dialogues of the issues,” Sartor said. “I am honored to have been selected to serve as mayor and look forward to continued service to the city. I am most concerned with the low turnout this year.” Sartor added: “On a positive note, I have found it encouraging this year that many residents have shown a new eagerness to get more involved with city activities.”
A certified public accountant for 28 years, McCallum's campaign focused on consideration of relocating and building a new community center, and on negotiations of a new fire contract with Hill Country Village. “I am honored and humbled by the vote of the citizens of Hollywood Park. I congratulate Mayor-elect Sartor. I will work hard to keep Hollywood Park the incredible place it is, and to make it even better,” McCallum said.
David Swan claimed the council Place 4 seat with 59.6 percent of the vote over fellow political newcomer, Matt Amerman. Swan succeeds Steve Treu, who declined a re-election bid. An Air Force retiree, Swan his wife have owned and operated The Tool Shed, an equipment repair company. “I would like to thank all the citizens who participated in our city election for their involvement. I was disappointed in the low voter turnout but am hopeful that in the future the council can encourage more citizen participation,” Swan said. “I have always loved Hollywood Park and I am excited about this opportunity to serve the citizens of this wonderful community.”
Running unopposed, Place 2 Councilwoman Ellen Alkire received 328 votes for re-election. “The Hollywood Park City Council elections were spellbinding this year with a very low voter turnout. Usually, our community has 50 percent more voters each election,” Alkire said. “I am truly honored with the number of votes that I received from the citizens of Hollywood Park even though I was running unopposed. Thank you ever so much for your vote of confidence. We have a super slate on City Council with this election.”
Council must soon decide how to appoint Sartor's replacement at the Place 5 position. By a 90-percent margin, Hollywood Park voters also approved reauthorizing a part of the city's sales tax to fund local street maintenance and repairs.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Hows the Market in Hollywood Park?
The real estate market in Hollywood Park is a little confusing at the moment. So far in the four months of 2010, there have been 14 closed sales, or about 3.5 sales per month. That translates into approximately 42 sales for the year, which is close to the number of sales in '07, '08 and '09.
However, there are currently 15 Hollywood Park homes under contract. Most homes under contract close in about 30 to 45 days, so it appears that by the end of June we may see 29 closed homes, which would indicate 58 sales annually. So time will tell if this large number of homes all close, and if this trend continues.
However, there are currently 15 Hollywood Park homes under contract. Most homes under contract close in about 30 to 45 days, so it appears that by the end of June we may see 29 closed homes, which would indicate 58 sales annually. So time will tell if this large number of homes all close, and if this trend continues.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Election Day Coming in Hollywood Park
Election day is coming soon in Hollywood Park. As a separate township, we are governed by a mayor and city council elected by the residents. This year, on May 8th, elections will take place for the office of Mayor and two council slots, place 2 and 4. There are two candidates running for the office of Mayor, two candidates running for Council Place 4, and one candidate who is running unopposed for Council Place 2.
Prior to the election day, voters can attend a "Meet the Candidates" forum at the Voigt Center on Thursday, April 29th at 7 pm, sponsored by the neighborhood HOA. Come out and meet your candidates, and be an informed voter!
Prior to the election day, voters can attend a "Meet the Candidates" forum at the Voigt Center on Thursday, April 29th at 7 pm, sponsored by the neighborhood HOA. Come out and meet your candidates, and be an informed voter!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Triangle Park Dedication
The long awaited completion of the Triangle Park at Mecca and El Cerrito streets in Hollywood Park was marked this week by a ribbon cutting ceremony. On Tuesday, April 6th, citizens gathered at the park to celebrate the grand opening.
The park was formerly only a small baseball diamond with a backstop. Now there is a walled-in play area for neighborhood kids who want to play ball, fly kites, or just play on the new playground equipment. New landscaping adds to the beauty of the area.
The Parks and Recs committee worked with the city council to plan the renovations and oversee the progress of the new park.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hunting for Eggs in Hollywood Park
Neighborhood kids and grandkids were busy today hunting for eggs at the annual Easter Egg Hunt. The Easter Bunny had come and left many eggs all over the Voigt Center Park and Playground for the kids to find.
The kids and their parents came and did a great job of finding all the eggs!
It was a great, warm, south Texas spring day, and lots of fun for the grown-ups and the kids. Thanks to the Hollywood Park HOA for putting on another wonderful family event!
The kids and their parents came and did a great job of finding all the eggs!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hollywood Park Continues to Deal with Deer and Traffic
According to Joni Simon, contributing writer for the North Central News, the township of Hollywood Park continues to deal with both deer and traffic. The deer control expert, Will Mangum, reported to the city council on Mar 16 that the efforts to reduce the deer population has been met with opposition from animal-loving residents and state bureaucrats. Even though area ranchers had been located who would accept our re-located deer, none received the required permits from the state, and missed the deadlines. So Hollywood Park was forced to "process" the 35 deer it did capture, and the meat was donated to the San Antonio Food Bank.
On the issue of traffic, the council is concerned with the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority (ARMA) plans for the interchange at US 281 and Loop 1604. According to those plans, motorists who exit Hollywood Park or Stone Oak on Voigt / Stone Oak Parkway will not be able to get on the 281 entrance ramps, potentially causing even more cut-through traffic in Hollywood Park. The interchange project is supposed to take 30 months, with construction to begin this summer.
A third item of note in the Hollywood Park neighborhood... The Bexar Metropolitan Water District, the utility that provides water to the neighborhood, has begun sending letters to HP homeowners who have aerobic septic systems, sprinkler systems or other units that are subject to backflow into the drinking water. Residents are being asked to have their backflow devices tested by a licensed plumber to ensure the drinking water remains clean.
On the issue of traffic, the council is concerned with the Alamo Regional Mobility Authority (ARMA) plans for the interchange at US 281 and Loop 1604. According to those plans, motorists who exit Hollywood Park or Stone Oak on Voigt / Stone Oak Parkway will not be able to get on the 281 entrance ramps, potentially causing even more cut-through traffic in Hollywood Park. The interchange project is supposed to take 30 months, with construction to begin this summer.
A third item of note in the Hollywood Park neighborhood... The Bexar Metropolitan Water District, the utility that provides water to the neighborhood, has begun sending letters to HP homeowners who have aerobic septic systems, sprinkler systems or other units that are subject to backflow into the drinking water. Residents are being asked to have their backflow devices tested by a licensed plumber to ensure the drinking water remains clean.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Improve Your Home's Atmosphere to Improve Your Chances of Selling!
Want to improve your chances of selling your home when there's a slower market? You need to improve the atmosphere in your Hollywood Park home! How do you do that? Here are some helpful hints.
Thinking of selling your HP home this Spring? Let us give you a personalized assesment of what your home needs to put it at the top of the buyer's homebuying lists! Call us to schedule a free appointment. 210-884-2572
- Make your home smell CLEAN! Remove any odors from cooking, cigarettes, pets, etc. that buyers may not like. You may be used to some smells that buyers find offensive!
- Don't try to cover up smells with air fresheners or deoderizers... remove the source of the smells.
- To remove pet urine smells, carpet and pad need to be replaced.
- To remove smoking or cooking odors, besides cleaning carpets, don't forget to clean the drapes.
- Beware of mildew smells... don't let wet items accumulate in the laundry.
- Once you have removed the offensive smells, consider adding pleasant ones, such as cinnamon, fresh flowers, and breads baking in the oven when buyers are coming over!
Thinking of selling your HP home this Spring? Let us give you a personalized assesment of what your home needs to put it at the top of the buyer's homebuying lists! Call us to schedule a free appointment. 210-884-2572
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
There's a New Listing in Hollywood Park: 110 Casa del Vista
Additional updates include a new 30 year roof in March, 2010, and recent kitchen appliances including a smooth cooktop, double ovens, dishwasher and refrigerator. The oversized detached garage will appeal to the handyman in your family.
There are four large bedrooms with the master downstairs and the three secondary bedrooms up. The master has a huge 12 x 11 walk-in closet. One of the upstairs bedrooms has its own bath and could be a second master. All this and a .42 treed acre lot... don't miss this beauty if you're in the market for a new home.
110 Casa del Vista,
Available Homes,
Hollywood Park
Thursday, March 4, 2010
What's Happening in the Park... Hollywood Park?
Here's the latest happenings in Hollywood Park in San Antonio, Texas.
The Enclave of Hollywood Park, one of our newer neighborhoods within the Park, is having their annual garage sale on Saturday, Mar. 13 from 8 am to 4 pm.
The Hollywood Park HOA is sponsoring it's 3rd annual Fun Run / Walk starting at 9 am on Saturday, Mar. 20th. Participants will meet at the Mecca Triangle Park / Baseball Field.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt for the kids will be on Saturday, Apr. 3 at the Voigt Center, sponsored by the Hollywood Park HOA and the Woman's Club of Hollywood Park.
The original part of Hollywood Park will hold it's annual garage sale on Apr. 8, 9 and 10 followed by the annual bulky item garbage pickup on Apr. 12 through 16.
For more information on Hollywood Park real estate, or community activities, give me at call! (210-884-2572)
The Enclave of Hollywood Park, one of our newer neighborhoods within the Park, is having their annual garage sale on Saturday, Mar. 13 from 8 am to 4 pm.
The Hollywood Park HOA is sponsoring it's 3rd annual Fun Run / Walk starting at 9 am on Saturday, Mar. 20th. Participants will meet at the Mecca Triangle Park / Baseball Field.
The annual Easter Egg Hunt for the kids will be on Saturday, Apr. 3 at the Voigt Center, sponsored by the Hollywood Park HOA and the Woman's Club of Hollywood Park.
The original part of Hollywood Park will hold it's annual garage sale on Apr. 8, 9 and 10 followed by the annual bulky item garbage pickup on Apr. 12 through 16.
For more information on Hollywood Park real estate, or community activities, give me at call! (210-884-2572)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Putting Your Hollywood Park Home on the Market this Spring? What Can You do NOW to Get it Ready?
Are you thinking of putting your Hollywood Park home on the market this Spring? If so, what can you be doing NOW to get it ready?
Our homes, for the most part, are reaching middle age, and many could use a bit of updating to appeal to today's buyers. On HGTV's website,, Dona DeZube lists four updates for home sellers on a budget that are very on target! They are:
Interior Paint - Paint Your Way to Profits
Painting your home before it goes on the market is one of the cheapest ways to get top dollar when you sell. Inside the home, use soft muted colors like pale green or beige (no pastels, please!) Add white baseboards and trim for additional style.
Flooring - Find a Higher Price Underfoot
If you've got hardwood under old carpet, as many of our older Hollywood Park homes do, rip up the carpet and refinish the floors. Best advice is to hire a pro to sand, and then do your own staining and sealing to save money. Got no hardwoods? Buy a good grade pad and a mid-priced carpet.
Front Appearance - Tweak the Front Yard
Buyers form an opinion about the home before they even get inside. So, trim the shrubs, especially those that have grown too tall and cover windows, cut the grass, paint the front door, and consider installing new door knobs, and house numbers.
Light Fixtures - Follow the Light
Update old fixtures. Brass fixtures and florescent lights are dated. Recessed lighting can be added in many of our one story homes to make them lighter and brighter.
Our homes, for the most part, are reaching middle age, and many could use a bit of updating to appeal to today's buyers. On HGTV's website,, Dona DeZube lists four updates for home sellers on a budget that are very on target! They are:
Interior Paint - Paint Your Way to Profits
Painting your home before it goes on the market is one of the cheapest ways to get top dollar when you sell. Inside the home, use soft muted colors like pale green or beige (no pastels, please!) Add white baseboards and trim for additional style.
Flooring - Find a Higher Price Underfoot
If you've got hardwood under old carpet, as many of our older Hollywood Park homes do, rip up the carpet and refinish the floors. Best advice is to hire a pro to sand, and then do your own staining and sealing to save money. Got no hardwoods? Buy a good grade pad and a mid-priced carpet.
Front Appearance - Tweak the Front Yard
Buyers form an opinion about the home before they even get inside. So, trim the shrubs, especially those that have grown too tall and cover windows, cut the grass, paint the front door, and consider installing new door knobs, and house numbers.
Light Fixtures - Follow the Light
Update old fixtures. Brass fixtures and florescent lights are dated. Recessed lighting can be added in many of our one story homes to make them lighter and brighter.
Hollywood Park,
home maintenance,
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Looking for Something Fun to Do in San Antonio for Valentine's Day?
Are you looking for something fun to do in San Antonio for Valentine's Day? There's an excellent article on the KSAT website with ideas for "20 Dates For Under $20" for Valentine's Day. Most are possible in or near Hollywood Park, weather permitting, on Sunday, Feb. 14th. My favorites from the list include:
- Visit the Botanical Garden.
- Spend the day window shopping, and end it with a stop for ice cream. (The Rim? La Cantera?)
- Get a map and explore, looking at possible dream homes. Pack a lunch and stop to eat when you run across a park.
- Visit San Antonio's historical centers. You probably haven't seen them all in San Antonio!
- Visit the San Antonio Zoo, especially if you haven't been there in a while.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
10 Must -Have Features in New Homes
In the Styled Staged and Sold website, Melissa Dittmann Tracey writes that a survey was done on home buyer preferences and found the following hot home features that reign supreme in today's market:
1. Large kitchens with an island.
2. Energy-efficient appliances and high-efficiency insulation and windows. (These were the most sought-after “green” features from buyers.)
3. Home office or study
4. Main-floor master suite
5. Outdoor living room
6. Ceiling fans
7. Master suite soaker tubs and oversize showers with seating areas
8. Stone and brick exteriors
9. Community landscaping with walking paths and playgrounds.
10. Two-car garages
Now, we in Hollywood Park, for the most part, live in homes that are not new. So why do we care about what buyers seek in a new home? Because, someday we are going to want to sell our Hollywood Park homes and those same features will help us compete with the newer homes at that time. So if you're thinking of spending money to update or remodel, wouldn't it make sense to incorporate some of these desired trends?
We actually compare pretty well with our stone & brick exteriors, our two car garages, and master suites being on the first floor (since the majority of our homes are one story!). But where we often fall short is not having updated our windows and appliances, nor enlarged our often small kitchens. Sure, those are the "big-ticket" items, but they are often the difference in a buyer's decision to purchase or not to purchase.
We don't want to invest the money to enlarge or update, but neither do the buyers, unless they can buy cheap. The homes that have had the updates sell higher and usually faster than those that have not updated. And if you don't wait until you're ready to sell to do the work, you will actually enjoy those updates yourselves!
1. Large kitchens with an island.
2. Energy-efficient appliances and high-efficiency insulation and windows. (These were the most sought-after “green” features from buyers.)
3. Home office or study
4. Main-floor master suite
5. Outdoor living room
6. Ceiling fans
7. Master suite soaker tubs and oversize showers with seating areas
8. Stone and brick exteriors
9. Community landscaping with walking paths and playgrounds.
10. Two-car garages
Now, we in Hollywood Park, for the most part, live in homes that are not new. So why do we care about what buyers seek in a new home? Because, someday we are going to want to sell our Hollywood Park homes and those same features will help us compete with the newer homes at that time. So if you're thinking of spending money to update or remodel, wouldn't it make sense to incorporate some of these desired trends?
We actually compare pretty well with our stone & brick exteriors, our two car garages, and master suites being on the first floor (since the majority of our homes are one story!). But where we often fall short is not having updated our windows and appliances, nor enlarged our often small kitchens. Sure, those are the "big-ticket" items, but they are often the difference in a buyer's decision to purchase or not to purchase.
We don't want to invest the money to enlarge or update, but neither do the buyers, unless they can buy cheap. The homes that have had the updates sell higher and usually faster than those that have not updated. And if you don't wait until you're ready to sell to do the work, you will actually enjoy those updates yourselves!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hollywood Park HOA Tamalada and Board Election
Last Saturday, at noon, was the neighborhood tamalada put on by the Hollywood Park HOA. About 70 residents were in attendance, and enjoyed a wonderful Mexican tamale dinner catered by Habaneros Grill.
The 2010 board for the Homeowner's Association was elected and everyone enjoyed visiting with new and old acquaintances. The tamalada is an annual event to welcome residents who have moved into the Park during the last year.
The tamalada was a great event to welcome 2010 with many other family oriented activities to come. Thanks to the HOA board and volunteers who make all the activities possible.
Hollywood Park,
Home Owners Association,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Winter Home Maintenance Tips
So it's cold outside, and everything's frozen from the recent low temps. Can't work outside in the garden, so what can you be doing in your home this winter to get it in tip top shape? State Farm Insurance has a list of tips for that honey-do list!
- Clean out gutters and downspouts.
- Store firewood at least 30 feet away from your home.
- Clean the clothers dryer exhaust duct, damper and space under the dryer.
- Clean the kitchen exhaust hood and air filter.
- Check the water hoses on the clothes washer and dishwasher for cracks and bubbles.
- Test all GFCI outlets.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hollywood Park Tamalada is On the Way!
Come celebrate with us and enjoy a great Mexican dinner with your neighbors. See you there!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Landscape Lighting is Not Just For Christmas!
The Christmas lights are mostly gone, packed away in the garages and attics in Hollywood Park. It was a beautiful show this year, with lots of blow up characters, and the new LED brightly colored lights. I think our relatively mild fall allowed more residents the time to comfortably get outside to put up the displays.
Now that Christmas has come and gone, our yards could still use a little enlightening! Landscape lighting is becoming a more common investment by homeowners, whether the do-it-yourself installations, or by hiring a landscape architect to "do" the yard. We are not blessed with lots of streetlights, so many areas of our streets are extremely dark at night, and the landscape lighting you put in your yard can be a very effective way to make your home stand out.
Want more info on landscape lighting? There's an excellent article at It tells you how to make your yard "light years ahead of others"! Also, if you decide to get a quote on professional lighting, try Elite Lighting Designs. You can reach them at 573-0594 or check them out on the web: Shawn George is a former client of ours and would be glad to give you a free estimate.
Now that Christmas has come and gone, our yards could still use a little enlightening! Landscape lighting is becoming a more common investment by homeowners, whether the do-it-yourself installations, or by hiring a landscape architect to "do" the yard. We are not blessed with lots of streetlights, so many areas of our streets are extremely dark at night, and the landscape lighting you put in your yard can be a very effective way to make your home stand out.
Want more info on landscape lighting? There's an excellent article at It tells you how to make your yard "light years ahead of others"! Also, if you decide to get a quote on professional lighting, try Elite Lighting Designs. You can reach them at 573-0594 or check them out on the web: Shawn George is a former client of ours and would be glad to give you a free estimate.
Monday, January 4, 2010
2009 Home Sales in Hollywood Park in San Antonio, Tx
So how were the sales in Hollywood Park in 2009?

As we begin the new year, there are 27 homes on the market and only 4 that are under contract. So the buyer's market continues in Hollywood Park, at least for now. Available homes range from $185,000 for a small 3 bedroom ranch style home to $789,900 for a stylish 5545 square foot home with canyon views.
Are you looking for a home in Hollywood Park in San Antonio, Tx? Give us a call and we'll help you find just the right property!
Available Homes,
Hollywood Park,
San Antonio
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