From the San Antonio Express News....
Hollywood Park City Council members Bob Sartor and Tim McCallum, one year into their first term in office, challenged each other in Saturday's mayoral contest. Sartor came out on top, garnering 268 total votes – 52.7 percent of the vote. McCallum recorded 240 votes.
Political newcomer David Swan and incumbent Councilwoman Ellen Alkire also were victors in an election where voter turnout was lower than the much-touted 2009 city election where two incumbents were ousted.
Sartor succeeds Richard McIlveen, who declined a re-election bid. Sartor had led McCallum by three votes in early polling. Sartor, McCallum and now-Councilman Gary Miller in 2009 campaigned for greater governing transparency after the city leased a house next to City Hall to the son of a then-sitting councilman.
A retired Marine Corps officer who has worked as a consultant, analyst and entrepreneur, Sartor previously cited several issues he would like to address as mayor. He had said he would like the city to continue instituting fiscal discipline measures and creation of efficiencies in city procedures to better yield savings and bolster cash reserves.
Sartor also has said he would like to see improved long-range city planning efforts, encouraging greater public participation in such efforts and updating of local codes and ordinances. “I would like to congratulate all my fellow candidates for running fine campaigns with respect and integrity. We all got along very well and had very meaningful and fruitful dialogues of the issues,” Sartor said. “I am honored to have been selected to serve as mayor and look forward to continued service to the city. I am most concerned with the low turnout this year.” Sartor added: “On a positive note, I have found it encouraging this year that many residents have shown a new eagerness to get more involved with city activities.”
A certified public accountant for 28 years, McCallum's campaign focused on consideration of relocating and building a new community center, and on negotiations of a new fire contract with Hill Country Village. “I am honored and humbled by the vote of the citizens of Hollywood Park. I congratulate Mayor-elect Sartor. I will work hard to keep Hollywood Park the incredible place it is, and to make it even better,” McCallum said.
David Swan claimed the council Place 4 seat with 59.6 percent of the vote over fellow political newcomer, Matt Amerman. Swan succeeds Steve Treu, who declined a re-election bid. An Air Force retiree, Swan his wife have owned and operated The Tool Shed, an equipment repair company. “I would like to thank all the citizens who participated in our city election for their involvement. I was disappointed in the low voter turnout but am hopeful that in the future the council can encourage more citizen participation,” Swan said. “I have always loved Hollywood Park and I am excited about this opportunity to serve the citizens of this wonderful community.”
Running unopposed, Place 2 Councilwoman Ellen Alkire received 328 votes for re-election. “The Hollywood Park City Council elections were spellbinding this year with a very low voter turnout. Usually, our community has 50 percent more voters each election,” Alkire said. “I am truly honored with the number of votes that I received from the citizens of Hollywood Park even though I was running unopposed. Thank you ever so much for your vote of confidence. We have a super slate on City Council with this election.”
Council must soon decide how to appoint Sartor's replacement at the Place 5 position. By a 90-percent margin, Hollywood Park voters also approved reauthorizing a part of the city's sales tax to fund local street maintenance and repairs.